Sitemap - 2022 - The Piedmont Clearinghouse

Cracks in the facade of the transgender zeitgeist

Conservatives don't need a dating app, they need to date like normal people

How to read a climate change graph: A skeptical inquiry

I'm not above believing a stolen-election conspiracy theory, I just need to see actual evidence first

The "Happy Holidays" thing really is kind of lame, isn't it?

Adults are currently the "biggest driver of growth" in the toy industry. Here's why that's a bad thing.

Dear sales managers: Read this if you want your customers to not hate you

The Twitter Files are not all that surprising and I guess ultimately I don't really care about them

Introducing Paid Subscriptions

What I've learned one year after I switched to a flip phone

Sometimes the secret to doing something is just doing it

We have got to do something about our national jumper cable disorder

How to make perfect Chinese fried rice: A proto-recipe

The traitor stands in worse case of woe

What if most people are way more okay with child abuse than any of us imagine?

How to tell when someone's out to punish you rather than help you: A primer

Remember when you didn't watch a video about every neat thing that ever happened and it was much better that way?

Of course The Office would never get made today and here's why.

Kirstie Alley and the passing of the old guard

Education isn't hard but apparently writing about it is

Why are we treating an extramarital affair like a romantic comedy? This is not good.

You should absolutely fight back against criminals who are actively turning your home into a third-world country

What the hell is going on in Moscow, Idaho?

If you're going to condemn something, do it properly!

Does it not seem at all astonishing that we outsource a ton of our manufacturing to a despotic one-party dictatorship?

Filmmakers have forgotten what normal people look like

Remember when Fauci said masks don't work then changed his mind like overnight and nobody thought this was the least bit ridiculous?

How can police not have a suspect in a brutal quadruple homicide after nearly two weeks?

Herschel Walker is a bad candidate but of course he's right about 'transgender' athletes and women's sports

Office Space: A movie about the irrepressible impulse of creation

News flash parents: You have considerable control over what your kid does

A brief rundown of what we don't know about the Pelosi attack in San Francisco last month

How to say what you mean and not apologize and not care what people think of you

I don't know the long-term effects of the COVID vaccine and neither do you

Liberals deny elections all the time. Please have the dignity to at least admit that.

It kind of seems to me like conservatives are getting desperate after the midterms and are embracing some kooky ideas

The case for dumping Trump is much more quotidian than anyone will admit

Why we need to publicly shame Nick Cannon

Our great cultural sage has finally arrived and it is somehow Jennifer Aniston

The COVID reckoning that's never coming

How elections can destroy a country even if they're 100% legitimate

Newsies: A Movie Made by Guys Working Hard

Did NBC learn something inconvenient about the Pelosi attack?

Hollywood needs to be nuked from orbit and we need to salt the earth and just start all over again

Against "pandemic amnesty" in favor of something better

Econ 101: If something's free, you're the product

Two lame things that happen on Halloween

You don't have to pay attention to people who obviously want to manipulate you

What the hell happened at Nancy Pelosi's house?

How many people still obsess over your vaccine status?

Everything has to be an online moment now

How to know if you’ve cracked a rotten egg

The greatest YouTube video ever made

I feel like Democrats should be more worried about the red wave tsunami heading directly toward them

If Joe Biden dined with racists then you can text with your friend from high school

A music video you watched 20 years ago has been re-released. It doesn't get better than this.

Make Apple Great Again

Conspiracy theorists might be wrong about vaccines but they were dead right about trans fats so think about that

It's time to get rude about transgenderism

Forgive me for thinking that this awesome new technology will actually make our lives worse instead of better

Conservative parents know they can pull their kids out of bad schools, right?

"Smile:" A very good horror movie. Not a great one. It's fine. It gets the job done.

Of course they're doing transgender surgery on young boys and girls. They admit it!

How to age like a Millennial

We are running out of ways to run out of ideas

So are we allowed to admit now that the vaccines don't really do anything at all? Is that okay?

They are different from all the oligarchies of the past

People don't want to watch a gay romantic comedy because they don't want to watch...well, you know

It wasn't always this good and it can get very bad again

The greatest Halloween movie ever made

Transgender activists need to figure out: Is it okay to allow boys to access girls' bathrooms and locker rooms?

The Onion isn't funny anymore and you can thank both Donald Trump and social media for that

Yes, female soldiers make the military less masculine. What else would they do, exactly?

Please, Democrats, *please* run on the fetal-heartbeats-do-not-exist platform this November

American food culture is really weird

Remember: All of this is because we shut down the world over a virus with a 99%+ survival rate

What are society's rules about sex stuff again? Because nobody seems to know.

Give them what they want: Let men and women play sports together

If you're trying to eat healthy, for goodness's sake, don't data-load your eating

Want to stop the transgender madness? First you must cease using the phrase "biological man."

If you want to cook well at home, you need to get good equipment

Why we can't redefine "man" and "woman" to conform to transgender ideology

Human lives begin at conception and there is simply nothing you can do about it

Why you hate the Oscars and the Emmys

They're legitimately trying to make January 6 as bad or worse than September 11

If a lady asks you to give up your seat then just give it up for goodness's sake

Seriously—why can't public health leaders just suggest gay men stop having insanely risky sex?

Progressives need to admit their toxic co-dependent relationship with racism

Most people probably support China's ongoing COVID lockdowns even if they won't admit it

How to ask questions so you're not snookered by a hoax

It's okay if you don't want your city overrun by mentally ill homeless people

You don't want men to dress like women. Nobody does.

The COVID lockdown bill is coming due and it's already murderously high

Democrats are lying about either the Second Amendment or the January 6 'insurrection'

It's okay for a man to shrug it off when women talk about his butt

The great COVID lockdown whitewashing has officially begun

Meghan McCain, the most hated woman on the Internet

Abortion creep

What's in a leader?

School is a raw deal and we can do better for our children

If you put a mask on your kid to fight monkeypox then you have big problems

Get rid of your streaming service

Feminism's woman problem

I'm grateful to be unvaccinated

How to get your kid to eat dinner

Wearing a COVID mask is truly awful and you don't have to pretend it isn't

Logan: The only superhero movie worth saving

Yes, they're trying to normalize pedophilia

Our president is not well

What is homosexuality?

Why conservatives lose the culture wars

Mental illness as a form of self-acclaim-by-proxy

You don't actually want men to cry

When the transgender kids ask 'Why?', what will we say?

Ugly buildings make for an ugly life

Get rid of your smartphone

January 6 was not an insurrection and it is ridiculous to think it was

When will we stop trusting the 'experts?'

Gay Home, Stay Lives

The problem is the family

Tag me!

'Do you support infanticide' is never a trick question

Do transgender people 'exist?'

The Abortion Red Flag Emporium

Why I'm never giving up my guns and why you shouldn't either

What is it that socialists wish?